Return Policy:

We guarantee our customers’ satisfaction, 100%, and we back up that guarantee with a simple, no-hassle return policy.

If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can return your item within 90 days for a full refund of the product price.

If you would like to return your products, please go into your account or go to “Check Order Status” and create an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) online. The RMA number will expedite the return process and ensure that you receive your refund (or exchange) as soon as possible. Or you may call us at 111-111-8888 to receive an RMA number.

To make shipping a return even easier, we offer a flat-rate $5.95 USPS shipping label for eligible U.S. customers returning products that weigh less than 70 lbs. You’ll have the option to print this label after creating an RMA number for a return from your order history online, or you can receive the label in an email after Customer Service generates an RMA for you. Print your label, tape it to the outside of your return package, and drop it off at a USPS. The $5.95 price for the label will be deducted from the refund. For items over 70 lbs. please call Customer Service at 111-111-8888.

Our mailing address is:
Address:1280 Westheimer Suite 1200 Houston, Texas 77042 – USA